I’ve tried so many different settings of brushes, created my own new brush, but it’s not giving a basic 1 pixel. I’ve drawn some elements in Photoshop with a 1 pixel pencil (it’s what I use to get the pixel look) but lo as I may try, I cannot yet achieve this in Toon Boom Harmony Premium. I switched to unchecked for other reasons, more preemptive than to resolve anything. Hi, please help - I’m trying to draw with a 1 pixel brush to literally draw at the pixel size. There is more under the hood and accessories all around in Harmony but they do share enough that it is worth noting cursor lag while drawing has not been an issue even when Full Scene Anti-aliasing is checked. The Mac Mini is similar in specs with your Macbook. I could not run Harmony on my Mac Mini but it runs Animate Pro 3 even though it does not meet minimum requirements. Have you tried using OpenGL mode with antialiasing unchecked in Preferences? Turning antialiasing off will provide some relief for a weak graphics card. You can utilize OpenGL with or without anitialiasing. Generally it is turning off antialiasing that makes lines more jagged. Drawing with OpenGL will make the lines looks jaggy but there should be no lag at all. Drawing with the Render Mode selected will cause lag. In Camera View do you have the OpenGL View Mode selected or Render Mode? They are the little flower icons on the Camera View bottom toolbar.